"Whistle while you work"

The office I work in has this unique ability to vary wildly in temperature from front to back, side to side, and room to room. One area can be in the balmy lower 80s while another is in the frigid upper 60s. The poor thermostat takes an average, gets 75 degrees, and calls it good. Meanwhile, my coworkers in the back are sweating and swear they're going to die of heat stroke, and I'm holding hot tea while wrapped in a blanket and insist that I'm starting to get frostbite. Every day is its own special mystery: "How miserable is everyone collectively going to be today?" The fluctuating spring temperature outside recently hasn't helped matters.

After hours on Friday, my boss brought in a ladder and went around closing vents in order to (hopefully) push more cold air to the back where the heat seems to be more of an issue. I was excited to hear this before I left work, but forgot about it over the weekend. Imagine my surprise, then, when the A/C kicked on this morning and I heard a new whistling sound above my head, not altogether too different from a "wind blowing through a spooky old haunted house" kind of noise. Huh. That's new.

It's a bit annoying, but I'm already starting to get used to the whistle-y hum, and it seems to be doing a great job of keeping my office from reaching arctic levels so far. I suppose it's a small price to pay to avoid this:

